Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Getting Back on the Radar

The Welch Way
By Jack and Suzy Welch

The most effective way is to over-deliver. Try to do everything better and faster.
The second powerful comeback technique is to raise your hand when the call goes out for people to sign up for major projects and initiatives, especially ones that don’t have a whole lot of popularity at the outset. You need to prove you are willing and able to go the extra mile.
Finally, if you are draining away political capital within the organization in any form, stem the flow immediately. That means you need to stop disparaging fellow employees, even in jest, or acting in any form like a wet blanket. Right now, your attitude needs to shout out one word: ”Yes”.
Jump before you are pushed.
From Day One, start building the results and reputation that will make you the new kid rising through the ranks.


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