Starting Business in Japan
Registering a new company requires that various documents be filed with different government offices and payment of a fee of about ¥200,000. There are English-speaking Japanese lawyers who specialize in navigating the bureaucratic maze for you. Expect to pay ¥250,000 for the lawyer, which means setting up a company costs in total approximately ¥450,000.
It is possible to register a company with capital of just ¥1, but most businesses will need at least several million yen to get started.
Make sure you do your homework. You may find out things are a lot more complicated than you think.
And ask yourself are you really prepared to work 20 hours a day to make it happen? If that feels like a sacrifice, maybe it itsn't for you.
It is possible to register a company with capital of just ¥1, but most businesses will need at least several million yen to get started.
Make sure you do your homework. You may find out things are a lot more complicated than you think.
And ask yourself are you really prepared to work 20 hours a day to make it happen? If that feels like a sacrifice, maybe it itsn't for you.
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